Trinidad & Tobago Cycling Federation - National Championships 2012

2012-0-02 |

‎[National Road Time Trial] - Congratulations to Jovian Gomez (BikeSmith) on being crowned the 2012 National Road Time Trial Champion in a winning time of 53:04.96 in the 37.5km event ahead of silver medallist for two years running, Guy Costa (Rafmon/Mecalfab Heatwave) and Joshua Alexander (Team Foundation) in third place.

The indelible Roger Smart (Degree Madonna) copped the Masters 40-49 category while Derek de Gannes flew in to put a whipping on the Masters 50-59 12.5km Road Time Trial. Earl Mcleod moved up two (2) places from last year to grab precious Gold in the Masters 60+ Time Trial.

Congratulations once again to all!

Jovian Gomez - 53:04.96 - 42.39km/h
Roger Smart - 37:19.02 - 40.19km/h
Derek de Gannes - 17:02.43 - 44.02km/h
Earl Mcleod - 20:21.84 - 36.83km/h

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