Midweek Results - Tuesday July 11th

2006-0-12 |

A hot, sunny Tuesday night brought out a season high ninety eight riders to the Midweek Tuesday Night races. In addition Mr. McCarthy from the Mississauga News and the growing number of spectators we were joined by a crew of photographers from the Mississauga Camera Club.

Check out photos from the night on Mississauga Camera Club's excellent site: Here.

Early Race
22 Laps - 21.5 km - 41.0 km/h
1. Dan Thompson (Madonna Wheelers) 31:33
2. Bruce Camacho (D'Ornellas) all s.t
3. Graham Anderson (Midweek CC)
4. Derek Hsiung (Midweek CC)
5. Ben Beneditz (Pavan)
6. Matthew Campbell (Bayside)